Douglas Lane Patey is Sophia Smith Professor of English at Smith College in Northampton, MA. He received M.A. degrees from the University of Virginia in 1977 (English) and 1978 (Philosophy, with a thesis on " Intentionalism in literary aesthetics") and his Ph.D from the same university in 1979, with a thesis on "Probability and Literary Form". He is a specialist in 18th century literature.
As author:
Patey, D. L. (2003). Of human bondage: historical perspectives on addiction. Smith College studies in history, v. 52.
Patey, D. L. (1998). The life of Evelyn Waugh: a critical biography. Blackwell critical biographies, 8. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. ISBN 0631189335
Patey, D. L. (1984). Probability and literary form: philosophic theory and literary practice in the Augustan age. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521254566
Parker, P., & Lane Patey, D. (1998). The Life of Evelyn Waugh. TLS, the Times Literary Supplement. (4965), 14.
Lane Patey, D., & Griffin. (1997). Wordsworth s Pope: A Study in Literary Historiography. Eighteenth-Century Studies. 31 (2), 254.
Patey, D. L. (2005). Policing the Boundaries of "Nature". Eighteenth-Century Studies. 38 (4), 686-6891
Patey, D. L. (1973). Poets and painters, and Two versions of Meredith's Love in the valley: essays on 19th century literature.
As editor:
Ehrenpreis, I., Patey, D. L., & Keegan, T. (1985). Augustan studies: essays in honor of Irvin Ehrenpreis. Newark: University of Delaware Press. ISBN 087413272X